Thoughts on preparing for tomorrow in the Garden State...

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Month Long Supplies

The amount you prepare is based on you and only you. But a good place to begin is with enough supplies to last you one month. that should be enough to get anyone through a specific crisis such as an Earthquake or flood. Remember that you can't count on anyone to be there for you and your family other than YOU and your family.

As you purchase your regular stores, buy a few extra things every week and soon you will have that month long supply. If you can you should stretch that to a three month supply over time.

Things to consider:
  • Food should provide 2,000 calories per day per person
  • Water should be a minimum of 1 gallon per day per person for drinking and hygiene. More for cooking.
  • Water Purification tablets or filters.
  • Don't forget things like condiments. Purchase these in large lots of individual packets to minimize storage needs.
  • Hygiene supplies like toilet paper and soap.
  • A Weapon and any supplies needed to maintain and use it.
I know this is all redundant and you've read it before but in the face of disasters like the Haiti Earthquake we all need to make sure that we can survive on our own until order is restored.

Links: MRE's, Water Storage, Portable Power, Can Storage


Anonymous said...

Your posts are never redundant, I think its great we have this site so we can all throw our ideas out there for everyone to read. It keeps me thinking and thanks for all the great info its much appreciated

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