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Monday, November 23, 2009

Climate change fraud exposed

They "the hackers" obtained some vital information from the University of East Anglia, here are the links to the data its 69 mb.
Leaked Data File 1
Leaked Data File 2
Leaked Data File 3
Leaked Data File 4
Leaked Data File 5
Leaked Data File 6
Leaked Data File 7
Leaked Data File 8
Leaked Data File 9
Leaked Data File 10

If anyone has been following this then you will know how this data will expose the global warming tax fraud. Next month in Copenhagen the USA along with other countries might enter into a treaty that will literally destroy our nations sovereignty. If you want more info on how this would be bad just click on this link and watch the video. It takes place at the Minnesota free market institute.

Lord Christopher Monckton Speaking in St. Paul

Emergency Water Storage

Emergency Water Storage is not difficult and with a few tips and tricks, you'll be all set for any short term emergency that crops up. Remember, Preparedness is an everyday event.

Containers that can be used for Water Storage:

Food-grade plastic or glass containers are suitable for storing water. One-, three- and five-gallon water containers can be purchased from most outdoor or hardware stores. Any plastic or glass container that previously held food or beverages such as 2-liter soda bottles or water, juice, punch or milk jugs, also may be used. Stainless steel can be used to store water which has not been or will not be treated with chlorine; chlorine is corrosive to most metals.

55 gal drums, designed specifically for water storage can be difficult to transport, if the need arises, but are of a tremendous value in an emergency .When looking for additional food grade containers, the bottom will be stamped with HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) and coded with the recycle symbol and a “2″ inside. HDPE containers are FDA-approved for food. Containers without these designations aren’t OK because of possible chemical interactions between the water and the plastic.

Clean used containers and lids with hot soapy water. Once the containers have been thoroughly cleaned, rinse them with water and sanitize the containers and lids by rinsing them with a solution of 1 tablespoon chlorine bleach per gallon of water. Leave the containers wet for two minutes, then rinse them again with water. Remember to remove the paper or plastic lid liners before washing the lids. It is very difficult to effectively remove all residue from many containers, so carefully clean hard-to-reach places like the handles of milk jugs. To sanitize stainless steel containers, place the container in boiling water for 10 minutes. Never use containers that previously held chemicals.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Continental Congress

Hello everyone,
I haven't been here in a while, but i think everyone here would be interested in whats happening in Illinois right now. There is a continental congress in session til the 21st. I wont bore you with my opinion except for that i am very much in favor of this. The federal Government has trampled on the constitution long enough!!! If you agree with this statement and value your liberty then by all means please go here
The broadcast will be live starting at 8 in the morning everyday until the 21st. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
Thanks to everyone,
New Jersey Preppers Network Est. Jan 17, 2009 All contributed articles owned and protected by their respective authors and protected by their copyright. New Jersey Preppers Network is a trademark protected by American Preppers Network Inc. All rights reserved. No content or articles may be reproduced without explicit written permission.