Thoughts on preparing for tomorrow in the Garden State...

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Slow down darn it......

To Quote Brooks Hatlen "The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry." and THAT my friends is a shame. Last night as we enjoyed my Daughters 18th Birthday dinner we spoke about a new cell phone plan for the family. I stated right off that all I "needed" was a phone, all that other junk was just that, junk and I didn't need it. Of course I was met with jeers and general taunts that I was "old" and out of touch. Well, I am neither, I just don't want to be buzzed all day with the goings on of every little thing. Since when does anything I do absolutely need to be addressed immediately? In fact I would hazard to guess that if everyone just sat still for 15 minutes they would realize that unless someone is bleeding, nothing needs to be addressed NOW.

Preparation for the future takes time, and patience. It requires us to survey our surroundings and our situation, to evaluate threats and environment, and to make decisions based on fact. Do it to fast and you make mistakes, do it to slow and life hangs in the balance.

Take a few minutes each day to sit at your kitchen table and think in silence about where you are and where you are going. Everyone connected to you will benefit.

Enjoy your Monday.


kymber said...

Excellent advice in this one Jay - thanks for sharing!

Humble wife said...

I am with you on this. Assess your needs and goals on paper then implement them!

Good reminder for sure!

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