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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Aquaponics 101 discussions on APN

Saw this post on the Arizona Preppers Page and thought it was outstanding, so here it is.......

If you missed the posts on APN blog and forum, check out the following series called Aquaponics 101 contributed by APN Sponsor AquaponicsUSA ...

Here is a snippet from Part One (links to the series below):

What is Aquaponics and why should I care?

Aquaponics is an ancient food growing technology that has been around since the Earth has had water with fish and plants growing together naturally. Aquaponics is nature at work. In nature, the fish eat whatever they find for food, and their waste is broken down by the bacteria in the water creating nutrients for the plants. The plants then absorb these nutrients; and in doing so, they clean the water for the fish.

The word "aquaponics" comes from two separate words. The first word is "aqua", which, of course, means water; but in this case, the "aqua" is from another compound word "aquaculture" (the raising of fish). The second word is "ponics", which is latin for work, and comes from its use in "hydroponics" (working at growing plants in water, hydro).

So, aquaponics is raising fish and growing plants by using the nutrient rich water provided by the fish. ...

Links to Aquaponics 101 series on APN forum:

Aquaponics 101 Part One: The Process

Aquaponics 101 Part Two: The System

Aquaponics 101 Part Three: The System, Continued

Aquaponics 101 Part Four: System Start Up

Aquaponics 101 Part Five: Fish to Water Ratios

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