Thoughts on preparing for tomorrow in the Garden State...

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

October in NJ

It's the second week of October and as fall creeps in it's a good time to take stock of your shelves and make use of the harvest season. In my neck of the woods (North West Morris County) tourists from the more urban sections of the state flock to get hay rides and pick pumpkins. But for those of us who live here there is a nice bounty of falls crops just begging to be put up for the winter dinner table.

Today the wife canned some Apple Butter and spent sometime in the back yard picking crab apples to make Crab Apple Jelly. These things aren't hard to do and it makes the house smell great. It's also a way to develop your prepper skills for cooking, canning and preserving food for future use. These skills have been lost over time and replaced with supermarkets. Should the world go in a negative direction, supermarkets won't be of much help and you'll need to have the ability to gather and store for yourself and your family.

As the fall closes in an opportunity arises for those that don't have a garden and that is farmers markets. These markets are chock full of great value for all your winter needs. Acorn and Bottleneck squash are inexpensive and store extremely well in a cool dry spot in your basement. As do potatoes, onions, gourds and those beloved pumpkins. Pumpkins are tremendously versatile for roasting, baking and lots of different Pumpkin Soups!

So do yourself a favor and get out the cookbook, do some foraging in your yards and local farmers markets and practice those canning and food storage skills.

Prepping in NJ, it's a way of life.

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