Wow, into the second week of May already. Times moving whether I like it or not.
How is your garden doing? By now in NJ you should be harvesting your Asparagus and beets, have your beans, and a variety of other stuff planted. This is you prime opportunity to grow your own food stuffs and learn to set them up for winter. You can't trust corporate farms to be there for you forever.
Speaking of putting up food.....Farmers markets will start appearing in my neck of the woods around the first week of June. There are a great way to support local farming and the bio-diversity needed to wean our way off of corporate engineered crops. They are also a very cheap way of getting fresh veggies to can. Consider them as a good source of wholesome food. If you can't garden enough, or can't garden at all, farmers markets are your alternative.
On the food front, I just picked up another case of MRE's for a reasonable $55. That makes 6 cases on the shelf. I'll probably back off for awhile and concentrate on more dry goods for now. Plus I want to get that Root cellar built and that may consume a whole load of my time.
On the Supply Front:I have taught my son the proper way to build a First aid kit, posted earlier
HERE, and he has taken to making a few more using cheap tackle boxes he gets at the Evil BigBox-mart. I'll let him continue for a little while, but those supplies are expensive. He's a good kid, try's hard. Look for Supplies for your first Aid needs
HERE, they ship incredibly fast and they have literally everything you can think of.
Ammo Drought:Man, is it me or is ammunition hard to come by these days? If any of you know of a good source in Jersey, please share it. Looks like the well is going dry for sure.
What have you done to Prep today?